Category Archives: Bauxal II

Project focused on the transformation of a secondary aluminium oxide into an alternative raw material to Bauxites in the manufacture of refractories in which we participate.

Bauxal II in AlCircle’s “ALuminium Industry: Focus Europe”

Detailed presentation of the project in the article “Bauxal II: Closing the loop on aluminum [...]

Bauxal II: last follow-up visit

On the 28th of November, we had the last follow-up meeting of the Bauxal II [...]

Bauxal II at Aluminium 2024

We were at Aluminium 2024 (Dusseldorf, Germany), where we had the opportunity to present the [...]

Bauxal II: alternative raw material

The last 9th May, the follow-up meeting of the BAUXAL II project, in which we [...]

Bauxal II: fifth monitoring visit

On 18 April, our company hosted the 5th monitoring visit of the Bauxal II project.

BAUXAL II: validation phase of the new products

In 2023, the validation phase of the new BAUXAL products begins with a battery of [...]

Bauxal II: Refinal ready for the first industrial sintering test

Paval's refining prototype has reached the Refinal production committed for the first sintering campaign that [...]

BAUXAL II: 4th monitoring visit

On 27 April last, the 4th monitoring visit of LIFE BAUXAL II took place at [...]

BAUXAL PROJECT – Technical and economical optimisation

REFINAL agglomeration process establishes along with the sintering process the basis to obtain critical properties [...]

Eco-responsible projects

Last April 22nd was World Earth Day. At Insertec, we didn’t celebrate it because our [...]


Guiding this 4R paradigm (Reduce-Reuse-Reinvent-Recycle) by adding one more R, 5R being this fifth Reeducate [...]


At the end of January, a day was dedicated to review and monitor the LIFE [...]


The preindustrial prototype for Paval refining with a Refinal´s capacity of 500tpy has been started [...]